Save Ukrainian Lives

With medical resources depleting quickly, we are partnering with one of Ukraine’s hospitals to provide Ukrainian citizens the medical support and technology they need.

Scroll down to learn more

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“The war with Russia has started, injuries and casualties are on the rise while health care resources are depleting fast.”
– Dr. Tamara Akeksandrovna Urbanova

I met Dr. Tamara Akeksandrovna Urbanova at AAOS, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, which is the largest and the most popular gathering of orthopedic surgeons in the world.

Dr. Urbanova, is the Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at City Hospital in Kharkiv, the second-largest city in Ukraine. We instantly connected due to our shared language – Russian – and soon found that our mutual interest and passion in orthopedic trauma would keep us connected.

On March 3rd, I got a devastating call from Dr. Urbanova. “The war with Russia has started. Injuries and casualties are on the rise while health care resources are depleting fast.”


In war, the majority of the injuries affect the extremities. Open fractures from either blast explosions or gunshots are often difficult to manage. The treatment of choice for these injuries is an external fixation device that realigns bone fragments and stabilizes the injured extremity.

For many years, this part of orthopedic surgery has been the center of my professional/technological interest.

Following my experience in Haiti in 2010 and later in Nepal in 2015 after devastating earthquakes, we published the first of its kind and is now the best-selling book in its category: “Orthopedics in Disasters”. Knowledge of treating wounded in disasters needed a new look, an updated approach. Over 100 experts from around the world have contributed to this project.


Knowledge is important but appropriate technology is needed to apply it.
This type of technology is needed for treating wounded patients of Dr. Urbanova.

Tamara has asked for other equipment that is essential for the treatment of open wounds. The number of victims of this horrible man-made disaster in Europe is growing as the war is escalating.

As a physician, human being, and citizen of a country that respects people’s lives and health, it is my responsibility to help as a colleague. I am doing my best and asking you, my friends, my patients, to contribute to this important humanitarian effort.

Your support is vital towards providing equipment and medical care to the medical facilities in Ukraine for those who are injured.
We will inform you where and how it is used and what impact it made.

It is about saving life; it is about saving the universe.

With gratitude for your support,
Nikolaj Wolfson, MD, FRCSC, FACS
